Økonomer forventer, at Fed afslører endnu en renteforhøjelse på 25bps, før de holder pause i resten af 2023

After the March rate hike by the Federal Reserve, economists believe that the recent move by Saudi Arabia and several members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) to cut oil production could complicate the central bank’s mission. Derudover,…

Crypto, Egenkapital, Metalmarkederne falder, efterhånden som teknisk indtjening skuffer, og USA's økonomiske svaghed bliver dybere

Equity markets began the day in the red following the latest corporate earnings reports from some of the worlds largest firms, including Microsoft. The tech giants recent conference call was considered disappointing, and earnings from firms such as Boeing, Texas Instruments,…

'Big Short'-investor Michael Burry advarer om endnu en inflationsstigning - forventer, at USA er 'i recession uanset definition'

Hedgefondsforvalter Michael Burry, berømt for at forudsige 2008 finansielle krise, says inflation has peaked in the U.S. but there will be another inflation spike. He expects the U.S. economy to be in a recessionby any definition.Michael Burry’s

'Big Short'-investor Michael Burry advarer om forlænget flerårig recession i USA

Hedgefondsforvalter Michael Burry, berømt for at forudsige 2008 finansielle krise, has warned aboutan extended multi-year recession” i U.S.A. He believes there isn’t a strategy to pull us out ofthis real recession.Michael Burry’s Recession Warning Famous

Teslas administrerende direktør Elon Musk siger, at recessionen kan vare indtil foråret 2024

Tesla and Spacex CEO Elon Musk expects a global recession to last until the spring of 2024. Musk added that his two companies are in good positions but many others are not. “Recessions do have a silver lining in that companies

'Big Short'-investor Michael Burry advarer om truende forbrugerrecession, Flere indtjeningsproblemer

Hedgefondsforvalter Michael Burry, berømt for at forudsige 2008 finansielle krise, har advaret om en truende forbrugerrecession og flere indtjeningsproblemer. Han citerede faldende U.S. personal savings and record-setting revolving credit card debt despite trillions of dollars in stimulus